Doulas of Death

Death is not like the movies,Sneaking up almost unexpected,On a person who looks almost healthy And communicates their last wishes up to the very moment of death. But real death, from old age or disease,The slow progression of loss of life–THAT death is not like the movies. As an infant does not spring forth in … Read more

My Quest to Reduce Phytic Acid

Understanding Phytic Acid in Grains Phytic acid is a naturally occurring compound found in grains, legumes, and nuts. It is considered an anti-nutrient because it can bind to minerals like iron, zinc, and calcium, reducing their bioavailability for absorption by the body. Understanding phytic acid is crucial in order to make informed dietary choices and maximize nutrient … Read more

The Role of Phytic Acid in Mineral Absorption

Understanding Phytic Acid To grasp the significance of phytic acid in mineral absorption, we must first understand what phytic acid is and its role in the body. What is Phytic Acid? Phytic acid, also known as inositol hexaphosphate (IP6), is a unique molecule commonly found in plant seeds, grains, legumes, nuts, and other plant-based foods. … Read more

Embracing a Grain-Based Anti-Nutrient-Free Lifestyle

Understanding Anti-Nutrients in Grains In order to fully understand the impact of certain dietary components, it’s important to explore the concept of anti-nutrients and their presence in grains. Anti-nutrients are naturally occurring compounds in certain foods that can interfere with nutrient absorption or cause other adverse effects when consumed. In the case of grains, several … Read more

Reviving Nutritional Balance: Tackling Phytic Acid and Iron Absorption

Understanding Phytic Acid To fully grasp the impact of phytic acid on mineral absorption, it’s important to understand what phytic acid is and its relationship to mineral absorption. What is Phytic Acid? Phytic acid, also known as inositol hexaphosphate (IP6), is a naturally occurring compound found in many plant-based foods, including grains, nuts, seeds, and … Read more

The Joy and Sorrow of Weaning

Motherhood is this weird mix of excitement over watching your little one grow up and sadness to realize he’s not a baby anymore. Our latest foray into Mixed-Feelings Land has been weaning. Breastfeeding has been a bit of a rocky ride for us–JD was born with tongue and lip ties, but instead of losing weight … Read more

Surviving a Busy Life: Schedules

English: A typical Deutsche Bahn railway stati...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A major aspect of the recent difficulties I mentioned yesterday was the fact that our schedule has been out of whack ever since we moved in December. It’s always hard to get back into a routine after moving, and that fact compounded with the numerous repairs our house needed/still needs meant things have been extremely seat-of-the pants lately.

And I thrive with a schedule. I like knowing exactly when something needs to happen and how I should be spending my time. Otherwise I will find myself deep in the bushes when I should be washing dishes. (Not that it doesn’t happen with a schedule; it’s just harder to justify wasting time when your minutes are allocated.)

So last night over supper we re-created our evening routine, wrote it down, and stuck it with a magnet to the fridge. We can talk all we want about how we need to do better with our time, but if it’s not on paper in a prominent place, it doesn’t happen.

Something different we did this time was include time approximations with each task. Times may vary, of course, but here’s what our evenings look like with rough time estimates:

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